Sunday, September 19, 2010


The local MOPS coordinator invited me to speak at a meeting in October. My topic? Food, lies we believe and the truth that sets us free. Last night I began compiling previous blog entries and streamlining them into a 20-25 minute presentation. While reviewing, cutting, adding, and editing, my mind kept wandering to the frozen yogurt stashed in the freezer. Literally. I read a sentence about how Satan tells us lies that we believe. Then I thought about which topping I would add to the yogurt after I finished working. I read a sentence about using food and how it can be an idol. Then I thought about better toppings for the frozen yogurt. This cycle went on for two hours. Two hours.

Typically I would shrug the thoughts away or maybe confess the sin (idolatry) and try to keep going. But, last night I got mad. I mean really. How ironic. It is just like Satan to badger me with the very thing I am writing about. Well, I had enough. I walked away from the computer and found my husband (he is my pastor, after all). I told him my struggles. He prayed. I confessed to God and relied on His strength. I knew He didn’t want me to eat frozen yogurt (I had eaten my quotient of sweets earlier). I rested in the knowledge the decision was final and continued writing. Victory!

What is my point? These lies are deeply ingrained. What was the lie I believed? When I was trying to ignore the thoughts or shrug them away, I believed “I” could stand up against Satan and his lies. When I stopped to confront the sin, recognized I could not wrestle the thoughts on my own, and bowed at the throne of grace (with my husband leading), God reigned.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Are you weary and heavy-laden? Wrestling with Satan and flesh is tiring. Jesus says to come to Him and He will give you rest.

On a different note, if you haven’t already, take a moment and read Laura’s comment after the last blog entry. Excellent thoughts.

I am thrilled to see blog visitors from Russia, Ireland, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and all over the U.S. Keep praying for God’s truth to reign. Also pray for the ladies attending MOPS in October.

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